IVC&ITS 2013 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 5

Tyre Footprint Reconstruction in the Vehicle Axle Weight-in-Motion Measurement by Fibre-optic Sensors


Alexander Grakovski, Alexey Pilipovecs, Igor Kabashkin and Elmars Petersons

Abstract: The problem of measuring road vehicle’s weight-in-motion (WIM) is important for overload enforcement, road maintenance planning and cargo fleet managing, control of the legal use of the transport infrastructure, road surface protection from the early destruction and for the safety on the roads. The fibre-optic sensors (FOS) functionality is based on the changes in the parameters of the optical signal due to the deformation of the optical fibre under the weight of the crossing vehicle. A fibre-optic sensor responds to the deformation, therefore for WIM measurements it is necessary to estimate the impact area of a wheel on the working surface of the sensor called tyre footprint. This information is used further for the estimation of the vehicle wheel or axle weight while in motion. Recorded signals from a truck passing over a group of FOS with various speeds and known weight are used as an input data. The results of the several laboratory and field experiments with FOS, e.g. load characteristics according to the temperature, contact surface width and loading speed impact, are provided here. The examples of the estimation of a truck tyre surface footprint using FOS signals are discussed in this article.

Paper Nr: 8

A New Vehicle Detection Method for Intelligent Transport Systems based on Scene-Specific Sliding Windows


SeungJong Noh, Moongu Jeon and Daeyoung Shim

Abstract: This paper presents a powerful vehicle detection technique employing a novel scene-specific sliding windows strategy. Unlike conventional approaches focusing on only appearance characteristics of vehicles, the proposed detection method also utilizes actually observable size-patterns of vehicles in a road. In our work, good data to train the size-patterns, i.e., size information of non-interacting moving-blobs are first collected based on the developed blob-level analysis technique. Then, a new region-wise sequential clustering algorithm is performed to train and maintain the size-pattern model, which is utilized to deform shapes of the sliding windows scenespecifically at each image position. All the proposed procedures operate full-automatically in real-time without any assumptions, and allow us to achieve more accurate and computationally efficient detection of vehicles in multiple scales and aspect-ratios. In the experiments on the real-time highway system, we found that performance of the proposed method is excellent in the aspects of detection accuracy and processing time.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Sampling-based Multi-robot Motion Planning


Zhi Yan, Nicolas Jouandeau and Arab Ali Cherif

Abstract: This paper describes a sampling-based approach to multi-robot motion planning. The proposed approach is centralized, which aims to reduce interference between mobile robots such as collision, congestion and deadlock, by increasing the number of waypoints. The implementation based on occupancy grid map is decomposed into three steps: the first step is to identify primary waypoints by using the Voronoi diagram, the second step is to generate additional waypoints by sampling the Voronoi diagram, and the last step is to assign the waypoints to robots by using the Hungarian method. The approach has been implemented and tested in simulation and the experimental results show a good system performance for multi-robot motion planning.

Paper Nr: 7

ASTER - Acute Stroke Care - Telematics for Ambulance Vehicles


Franziska Wolf, Carsten Edelberger and Thomas Wolf

Abstract: In the collaboration project ASTER secure communication structures for ambulance vehicles are developed in order to optimize care processes for paramedics in cases of stroke. Ambulance vehicles will be equipped with various communication devices and technologies in order to enhance the care procedures in the preclinical phase. IT-security and communication availability are the essential aspects of high-sensitive and mobile communications developed for this case, because wireless transfer of sensitive data such as patient and case related data will be involved. The structure and communication networks is designed and validated using different scenarios of acute stroke care in order to answer the requirements towards the new communication structure needed for security demands. In order to secure this high level data the project is using certificated encrypted connections and a central communication node, which will be presented in detail. The upcoming demonstrator of the ASTER project, a full applicable ambulance vehicle will be equipped with the proposed technologies and systems in order to enhance the emergency procedures for paramedics and patients suffering stroke.

Paper Nr: 10

Novel Techniques to Handle Rectangular Areas in Car-to-X Communication Applications


Attila Jaeger and Sorin A. Huss

Abstract: Car-to-X communication is one of the main technologies to enable a various set of ITS use-cases. Thereby, among others, messages about local dangers are exchanged. According to message specification, the relevance area of such dangers may be encoded as a rectangle. In this work we present several techniques to handle such rectangular areas. These techniques are already included and, hence, extensively tested in the Weather Hazard Warning applications in current vehicle communication field operations tests in Germany and Europe.

Paper Nr: 12

Towards a “Holistic” Safety Monitoring in Intelligent Vehicle Control


Tim Köhler and Martin Schröer

Abstract: Today, the state of the art in vehicle safety follows an explicit design flow. Specific sensors measure a particular dimension (e.g. distance to other vehicles) and “safety” is defined as a specific range of allowed values (e.g. minimal distance). The disadvantage of such an approach is that safety issues which were unconsidered at design time are not detectable. Furthermore, a detection of issues that are only indirectly measurable is difficult to realize. In this paper, a holistic safety monitoring approach is presented that makes use of all available sensor data and tries to find an implicit definition of “safety”. By such an inverse approach vehicle safety issues which are hard to be directly measurable might be detectable, too. For instance, an identification of driver-initiated critical situations (e.g. caused by distraction) could be possible if taking multiple sensor modalities into account and having an implicitly defined “safe” state. Furthermore, the article describes the selection of potential test platforms and shows already collected test data of a mobile robot platform. Presented in this work-in-progress paper is the concept of definition, implementation, and detection of implicit vehicle safety.

Paper Nr: 6

Heterogeneous Multiprotocol Vehicle Controls Systems in Cloud Computing Environment


Vladimir S. Zaborovski, Mikhail Chuvatov, Oleg Gusikhin, Abdulaziz Makkiya and David Hatton

Abstract: The paper introduces a heterogeneous multiprotocol cloud computing environment for vehicle monitoring and applicable services. It also highlights the concept behind virtual vehicle communication with multi-protocol data access. Cloud based vehicle servicers require constant access to the Internet, which can be organized using a combination of local (Wi-Fi, DSRC) and the wireless communication technologies. The paper discusses the advantages of multi-protocol communication with the possibilities of alternative ways of delivering messages between vehicle and a cloud. The paper presents simulation of different scenarios with respect to the technology used.

Area 1 - Signal Processing

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 9

Instrumental Environment of Multi-protocol Cloud-oriented Vehicular Mesh Network


Glazunov Vadim, Kurochkin Leonid, Kurochkin Mihail and Popov Sergey

Abstract: The article deals with issues of message transfer adequacy in the cloud-oriented vehicular MESH network, specification of message delivery time with different traffic network configuration, vehicular traffic density, network traffic density.