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Conference Co-Chairs

Wolfram Burgard (honorary)
University of Freiburg

Brief Bio
Wolfram Burgard is a professor for computer science at the University of Freiburg and head of the research lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems. His areas of interest lie in artificial intelligence and mobile robots. His research mainly focuses on the development of robust and adaptive techniques for state estimation and control. Over the past years Wolfram Burgard and his group have developed a series of innovative probabilistic techniques for robot navigation and control. They cover different aspects such as localization, map-building, SLAM, path-planning, exploration, and several other aspects. Wolfram Burga rd coauthored two books and more than 300 scientific papers. In 2009, Wolfram Burgard received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, the most prestigious German research award. In 2010, Wolfram Burgard received an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council. Since 2012, Wolfram Burgard is the coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools funded by the German Research Foundation. Wolfram Burgard is Fellow of the ECCAI, the AAAI, and the IEEE. ... More >>

Dimitar Filev
Research & Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company
United States

Brief Bio
Dr. Dimitar Filev is a Henry Ford Technical Fellow at the Ford Research & Innovation Center, Dearborn, Michigan. He is conducting research in computational intelligence, AI and control, and their applications to vehicle systems, autonomous driving, and automotive engineering.  Dr. Filev has published 4 books, over 200 journal articles and conference papers, and holds over 100 US and foreign patents.  He is the recipient of the 2008 Norbert Wiener Award of the IEEE SMC Society and the 2015 Pioneer’s Award of the IEEE CIS Society. He received his PhD. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Czech Te chnical University in Prague in 1979.  Dr. Filev is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of the NAE. He is past president of the IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society (2016-2017). ... More >>


Program Co-Chairs

Giuseppina Gini
DEIB, Politecnico di Milano

Brief Bio
Giuseppina C. Gini, after the “Laurea” degree in Physics from the University of Milano (Italy), in 1972 joined Politecnico di Milano (Italy) as assistant professor. She had various appointments at the hand-eye robotics project at SAIL, and at the NMR Laboratory of the Stanford University (CA, USA). Since 1987, as Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano, she has been responsible for the Robotics and Cognitive Robotics courses in the graduate school, member of the Ph.D. board for Information Engineering, and fellow of ASP, the graduate sch ool of excellence of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino.

Her research themes are at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence both symbolic and neural. She has been responsible for the design and implementation of advanced robot languages, simulators, planners, and of bioinspired models of walking, grasping, vision, memory, and robot learning.

She has been the principal investigator in more than 30 European, NATO, bilateral and national research projects. She also served as expert and reviewer for various European research programs and working groups, was a National Delegate in the EU COST Action on Knowledge Exploration in Science and Technology, and member of the European Commission assigning the Giralt PhD Award for extraordinary contributions in robotics.

More info:
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Henk Nijmeijer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology

Brief Bio
Henk Nijmeijer (1955) is a full professor at Eindhoven and chairs the Dynamics and Control group. He is an editor of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. He is a fellow of the IEEE since 2000 and was awarded in 1990 the IEE Heaviside premium. He is appointed honorary knight of the ‘golden feedback loop’ (NTNU, Trondheim) in 2011. He was an IFAC Council Member in the period 2011-2017. Per January 2015 he is scientific director of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC). He is recipient of the 2015 IEEE Control Systems Technology Award and a member of the Mexican Academy of Scien ces. He is Graduate Program director of the TU/e Automotive Systems program. He is an IFAC Fellow since 2019. ... More >>
