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Event Chairs

Conference Chair

Dimitar Filev
Ford Research / Texas A&M University
United States

Brief Bio
Dr. Filev is a Senior Henry Ford Technical Fellow from the Ford Motor Company (retired) and a Hagler Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at the Texas A&M University. Dr. Filev is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Life Fellow of the IEEE. He is also recipient of the 2023 IEEE SMCS Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award, the 2015 IEEE CIS Pioneer’s Award the 2008, the IEEE SMCS Norbert Wiener Award, and was awarded 6-times the Henry Ford Technology Corporate Award, from Ford Motor Company. His research interests are in computational intelligence, artificial intelligence, and intelligent control with applications to vehicle systems, autonomous driving, and automotive engineering. He has over 200 publications with 21,000+ citations, an h-index of 63 and 140 granted US patents. He was the President of the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society (SMCS) in 2016-2017. ... More >>


Program Co-Chairs

Giuseppina Carla Gini
Politecnico di Milano

Brief Bio
Giuseppina C. Gini, after the “Laurea” degree in Physics from the University of Milano (Italy), in 1972 joined Politecnico di Milano (Italy) as assistant professor. She had various appointments at the hand-eye robotics project at SAIL, and at the NMR Laboratory of the Stanford University (CA, USA). Since 1987, as Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano, she has been responsible for the Robotics and Cognitive Robotics courses in the graduate school, member of the Ph.D. board for Information Engineering, and fellow of ASP, the graduate sch ool of excellence of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino.

Her research themes are at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence both symbolic and neural. She has been responsible for the design and implementation of advanced robot languages, simulators, planners, and of bioinspired models of walking, grasping, vision, memory, and robot learning.

She has been the principal investigator in more than 30 European, NATO, bilateral and national research projects. She also served as expert and reviewer for various European research programs and working groups, was a National Delegate in the EU COST Action on Knowledge Exploration in Science and Technology, and member of the European Commission assigning the Giralt PhD Award for extraordinary contributions in robotics.

More info:
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Henk Nijmeijer
Eindhoven University of Technology

Brief Bio
Henk Nijmeijer (1955) is a full professor at Eindhoven and chairs the Dynamics and Control group. He is an editor of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. He is a fellow of the IEEE since 2000 and was awarded in 1990 the IEE Heaviside premium. He is appointed honorary knight of the ‘golden feedback loop’ (NTNU, Trondheim) in 2011. He was an IFAC Council Member in the period 2011-2017. Per January 2015 he is scientific director of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC). He is recipient of the 2015 IEEE Control Systems Technology Award and a member of the Mexican Academy of Scien ces. He is Graduate Program director of the TU/e Automotive Systems program. He is an IFAC Fellow since 2019. ... More >>


Local Co-Chairs

Paolo Di Giamberardino
Sapienza University of Rome

Brief Bio
Paolo Di Giamberardino is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti, Sapienza University of Rome. He received the Master Degree (Electronic Engineering) in 1991 and the PhD (Systems Engineering) in 1995 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He is Head of the "Control and Systems Laboratory" and co-head of the "E-Learning Systems and Applications Laboratory", Dept. of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering. His main research interests are in the modeling, analysis and control of nonlinear discrete time and sampled dynamical systems, problems of motion planning, control, coordination and communications in mobile robots and for mobile sensor networks. Architectures and systems for e-learning and for remote measurements and control are also investigated. His current research activity is mainly focused on modelling and control of epidemics, with a particular reference on optimal and non linear control. ... More >>

Daniela Iacoviello
Sapienza University of Rome

Brief Bio
Daniela Iacoviello graduated in Mathematics in 1992; from 1992 to 1994 she was at the Institute of High Mathematics and in 1998 she obtained the PhD in System Engineering from University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Then she had a post doc position in Identification and Optimal Control. From 2002 to 2020 she was Assistant Professor in Automatic Control at the Department of Computer and System Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome and since March 2020 she has been Associate Professor in Automatic Control at the same Department.
She is referee of many international scientific journals and member of the program com
mittees of international conferences. Since 2012 she has been associate Editor of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, and since 2022 member of the Editorial Board of Control Engineering and Practice.
Since 2001 she has participated in financial programs from the Faculty and the University and in particular she was involved in the SARFIRE project (ASI financial program).
Her main research interests, from a methodological and applicative point of view, are in 1-D and 2-D signal processing, optimal control, epidemic modeling and control, estimation theory, system identification, bioengineering.
For more details please visit the web-site:
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