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Partner Events

Conferences, congresses and other meetings related to this event or one of its satellite events are welcome to enter a partnership with ICINCO by means of which the events assist each other in divulging their events through a link exchange and/or by publishing information about the partner events.

Current Partner Events:

ROBÓTICA 2015 - XV RoboCup Portugal Open

The Robotics Open aims to promote science and technology among young people of all cycles, researchers, teachers and the general public, through autonomous robot competitions. With annual editions in different cities, this event also includes a Scientific Meeting (ICARSC 2015), where is given the opportunity for national and foreign researchers in the field of robotics, to present their latest research results in the area. Currently an initiative of the Portuguese Robotics Society, this event has enjoyed a growing number of teams and participants of all ages.
This year, the Robótica 2015 , will be held from 8 to 12 April 2015 on the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro in Vila Real. UTAD is set in a campus that has a botanical garden that constitutes one of the most important living collections of Portugal, currently containing about 1000 living species that form part of a wide range architectural - landscape. Besides the pleasant space, the Robotics 2015 organization in UTAD has a high logistical capacity with the support of faculty, staff and students in areas important to the organization of this event such as the areas of Informatics, Communication and Multimedia, Electrical and Computers, among others.

12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation

REV is a serie of annual events concerning the area of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. The REV conferences are the annual conferences of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) (

The general objective of this conference is to demonstrate and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. With the globalization of education the interest in and need of teleworking, remote services and collaborative working environments now increases rapidly. Another objective of the symposium is to discuss guidelines for education in university level courses for these topics.
